Friday, November 10, 2006

Thus, the gates of idiocy open...

This is the first of what I hope'll be many entries on a closer look at the point of view of yours truly.

Along the way I'll probably babble on and on about a lot of shit that happened during my kiddy-teenage years (meaning 1980-1999, mostly), some shit that's currently happening and sometimes I'll just post complete non-sequiteurs, ', well just 'cause I'm fucking weird that way.

Given the fact that there's already an X-Entertainment, Sydlexia, Seanbaby and whatnot (which I compulsively read, admire and that inspired me to start this crappy blog) you're probably rolling your eyes and muttering "not another one"...good for you, you should probably also know I don't give a fuck, and possibly never will.

What you probably SHOULD know is that I grew up in Mexico, but was raised in a peculiarly american way. This means I'll sometimes make entries in english, sometimes in spanish...and sometimes not at all (because just like I'm inexplicably weird, I'm also fucking lazy, sue me).

If you like this moronic barrage of nonsense that is to follow, good for you...if you don't, well it just sucks to be you, go watch TV, visit other websites, download some tunes, fap around a little (or a lot, I don't care), play some videogames, or downright fuck you, It's all the same to me.

And that's it for my debut here, in following days I'll be detailing some ghastly happenings here in lovely post-apocalyptic Mexico City, bully for me and all of us!!

"I like nostalgic people, they make me look like less of a loser"
--Oscar Wilde on nostalgia

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