Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Seasons Greettings!

So, I'm told this is the International Women's Day. Interesting, huh?

Now, bear with me as I make a teeny, tiny question:

Imagine, if you will, that somehow, somewhere, a bunch of men gather together and the "alpha male" of that group excitedly climbs on a podium, clears his throat and asks his fellow men. -"Say, fellas; Wouldn't it be swell if we dedicated a whole fuckin' day to celebrate the fact that we have dicks and balls?" And then his peers would stand up and thunderously applaud while yelling -"Fuckin' A!".

Wouldn't it be weird if the whole world took to this crazy fuckery enthusiastically?

Wouldn't women feel freaked out by all this shit?

I mean, call me bat-fuck insane but isn't "Gender Equity" supposed to foster equal treatment regardless of whether you have a penis or a vagina? When the fuck is "International Men's Day"?

Isn't dedicating a day to the celebration of exclusively one gender promoting more division between sexes?

But alright, I get it, I get the message inherent to this day: It's okay to be sexist. And in that spirit, I would like to celebrate this most magnificent and momentous date in a pictorical manner:

Srsly, I love humanity's unique way of trying to improve something...by actually making it worse!

And it's easy to fix it too: Change the thing to the International Gender Equity Day, make it nice and neutral, and BAM, MOTHERFUCKER! ZERO. SEXIST. MESSAGE. Simple as that.

Remember: If you feel offended by any of this, you're a sexist asshole and are trampling on my rights! Really, how can you do this and sleep at night.

For shame!

1 comment:

Angry Kitten said...

Hasta la feminista rabiosa que me comí en el '94 piensa que las imagenes son excelentes.

Hey, yo celebré el día queriendo asfixiar a una maldita vieja preñada!